Office of Admissions & Records
To verify your identity please provide a valid government issued picture ID
Online and in-person services are available
Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 7:00 pm and Friday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
Chat with Admissions & Records
Or visit us in the Student Services Building, 1st Floor Lobby
To order an Official Transcript or Enrollment Verification
Click on the "Order Records" icon below.
To send your Transcripts to Los Angeles Valley College, use this link
Click here to view Academic Calendar and important dates
Frequently Asked Questions
If you are experiencing personal, professional or academic challenges due to COVID -19, you may submit a Petition to Withdraw Form (PDF) and request an EW. Please make sure you send your petition from your LACCD Email Account. Students may request an EW grade up to one year after the class ended. You will not receive a refund or have fees waived if your petition is approved.
To avoid receiving a "W" (Withdrawl) symbol, students are required to drop before the deadline. Deadline to drop without a "W" and without pernalty fees are different and can be found in the course description in the Student Portal.
If you received Federal aid (Pell grant, SEOG, Direct loans) and/or State aid, withdrawing from classes may result in you owing all or a portion of your financial aid. It is highly recommended to consult with the Financial Aid Office if you want to know what the consequences of an EW will be.
An “EW” that is due to COVID-19 will prompt the VA to automatically apply “mitigating circumstances”. You should not owe back any BAH/Monthly stipend already received. Your BAH/monthly stipend rate will be adjusted based off the number of units you remain enrolled in going forward, effective the date you withdraw. Entitlement will be charged for the days you were enrolled. Please consult the Veterans Resource Center for other options or to address your individual circumstances.
I still have more questions, who can I speak with regarding my individual circumstance?
Admissions and Records is providing virtual/online and in person services. CLICK HERE to enter the Virtual Lobby and speak with and Admissions and Records representative or visit us in person. We are located in the Student Service Building, first floor.
For more information on clearing prerequisites please go to the Counseling Department's link below.
A California resident for tuition purposes, is a person who has resided in California for at least one year and one day prior to the start of the term and manifested an intent to make California their permanent home. Residency is determined at the time of application. To appeal your initial residency determination, you must submit a Supplemental Residency Questionnaire (SRQ) along with supporting documents including documents that determine whether you are financially independent. Student’s residency status determines fees and eligibility for the California College Promise Grant (CCPG).
To request your residency be re-evaluated, please:
- Download and complete a Supplemental Residency Questionnaire (SRQ).
- Collect the required supporting documentation (at least two forms of residency with the appropriate dates).
- Scan the SRQ and all your supporting documents.
- Visit the Admissions & Records Cranium Cafe (Virtual Help Desk) by clicking on the square green button labeled "Chat Live" located at the top of this page.
- If you received notification that you may qualify for AB 540, please also attach an AB 540 Affidavit.
Admissions and Records accepts petitions for:
- Petition to Withdraw from Class(es)
- Enrollment Priority/ California College Promise Grant Loss Appeal
- Course Repetition Petition
- General Petition
- Waiver of Dismissal
Here’s how to submit your petition:
- Fill out the petition
- Attach your personal statement, and required supporting documentation.
- Email the petition and documentation to @email from your LACCD Student email account to ensure proper identification.
Information about Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates of Completion.